Opposite the beach of Aliko and under the right part of the protected cedar trees, there is the beach of Chavai(Hawaii).
It is a series of small bays and a piece of sandy beach that has become very popular in recent years.
Chavai is a favorite among visitors for its tranquility, away from organized beaches and bustling places, even when the island has thousands of visitors.
There is no store nearby and if you go you should have with you over the umbrella, water and food.
How will you go:
By private car or motorbike you will follow the route:
Chora-Glinado-Tripodes (Vivlos) -Kastraki -Alyko
Park your car or engine near the abandoned buildings of Alikos and walk to the beach on foot.
The beach of Aliko is connected to Chora with a bus service. More information on KTEL’s website www.naxosdestinations.com
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