In his hands the wood and the skin are transformed into authentic works of folk art! The Naxians and visitors from all over the world have been admiring his work for many years. An art of centuries has found its continuator, in the face of Nikolaos Moustakis, in Filoti.
From a young child he was amateurishly engaged in folk art, creating small masterpieces. When he was 18, his father, an excellent “tsampounaris”(bagpipe musician), showed him all the secrets of the bagpipe and the tubaki( bagpipe). Since then, with his unique supplies, his passion and talent has left his mark in the field of folk art.
In its place, in Filoti, you will find traditional musical instruments such as tsabouna(bigpipe) and tambaki, kitchen utensils and small artwork made of wood and leather.
If you are in Filoti, you only have to go to Aghios Andreas and ask where is the workshop of Nikolaos Moustakis. During the summer months his works are also exhibited in a gallery of Chora.
Contact number: 6976248317
Email: info@nikolaosmoustakis.gr